The B1SA Opportunity Network

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Interactive B-BBEE Scorecard Simulators.

The compliance requirement for B-BBEE varies according to the size of your entity, as measured by your annual turnover as well as your black ownership levels in your company.

Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME's) are entities with an annual turnover less than R10 million, and are not required to complete a B-BBEE scorecard.

Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's) whose turnover is between R10 million and R50 million who have black ownership greater than 51% are also not required to complete a B-BBEE scorecard. However, if the entity does not have black ownership greater than 51%, they will need to comply with the QSE scorecard as per the revised Codes of Good Practice.

Generic Enterprises whose turnover is more than R50 million per annum are measured on all 5 elements of the Generic Scorecard.

To gain a better understanding of the targets and definitions of B-BBEE for QSE's and Generic Enterprises, click on the relevant easy-to-use interactive scorecard simulator below. These simulators provide a single view of the entire scorecard.
  • are a user-friendly educational tool;
  • have adjustable slide bars to help you understand the impact of each criteria on the overall score
  • have simple B-BBEE definitions.
Note: The scorecard simulator can not be used for a high level understanding of B-BBEE compliance and your inputs will be discarded when you exit the simulator.

These simulators are based on the scorecards prior to the revised Codes that were gazetted in October 2013, and will be updated in the near future.

QSE Scorecard Simulator Generic Scorcard Simulator